Welcome to Widows Wear Stilettos. If you are widowed, let us first convey our deepest sympathies to you on the loss of your beloved. There truly are no words to describe the pain, the grief and the loneliness that you are feeling. We are always profoundly sorry when someone needs us; yet at the same time, we are delighted that you found us and that we can be of service to you.
We are proud to serve anyone who has suffered or may be facing the loss of a spouse / partner; regardless of age, technical marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, length of time married, length of time widowed or the specific circumstances surrounding spousal death. If you are visiting on behalf of a loved one or friend who is widowed or who may be facing widowhood, thank you for taking the time to locate assistance and support for your loved one. Please be sure to visit the, "Resources" page to locate additional helpful recommendations and resources.
The Widows Wear Stilettos website was founded in 2006 by multiple award-winning author, media contributor, international speaker and grief recovery expert, Carole Brody Fleet, author of, "Widows Wear Stilettos..." (Armin Lear Press, Second Edition); "Happily EVEN After…” (Viva Editions); "When Bad Things Happen to Good Women" (Viva Editions) and "The Write Difference..." . You can learn more about Carole on the "Meet Carole" page.
From the very first days and weeks after widowhood, to coping months and even years later; from legal and financial transitioning to returning to the workplace; from learning how to cope with holidays, anniversaries and other momentous lifetime events to quick, easy and healthy recipes, Firebird Book Award winner,"Widows Wear Stilettos" , the book that "started it all", is a critically acclaimed, must-have guide for the widowed that is now enjoying its fourteenth year on bestseller lists around the world. In addition to sound emotional and practical advice, "Widows Wear Stilettos..." also includes quizzes, affirmations, "contracts" and other actionable steps that are designed to help you gauge your recovery in progress.
"Widows Wear Stilettos..." is in its second edition! The second edition features all original content, PLUS updated chapters, brand new chapters, new resources and more; all to better serve the widowed community and the people who support it.

"When Bad Things Happen to Good Women: Getting You (or Someone You Love) Through the Toughest Times" (Viva Editions) is described as, "the go-to guide for anyone going through any kind of loss or life challenge". Featuring true stories from over forty women, the book is a unique and fresh approach to successfully coping with and moving forward from many of the challenges that most women have or will face in today’s world; including:
* Advice and insights from those who have direct experience in coping with each challenge featured.
* Many wonderful resources offering additional help and guidance.
* The three most common mistakes that many make in the guise of helping someone in need; along with
essential advice as to how to best provide support in each individual situation.
* The two most important things that anyone in crisis requires.
* Even more great advice, tips and insight on widowhood and how to both survive it and thrive in spite of it.
Winner of the Books for a Better Life Award, one of the top national awards in publishing, "Happily EVEN After..." (Viva Editions) is a question-and-answer guide that answers the most common and pressing questions that the widowed generally have, both immediately following a spouse's death as well as months and even years thereafter. The questions contained in the book are excerpted from thousands of actual letters written by real widowed and the responses are Carole's actual answers to those questions; based upon considerable personal and professional experience and insight. "Happily EVEN After..." also includes observations and commentary; explaining the questions and issues that you will find contained in each chapter; so that no matter where you are on your Healing Journey, you can easily access answers to your own particular questions and situations.
Ranked the #1 New Release by Amazon within 48 hours of its release date, Carole's newest and latest release, “The Write Difference: An Author’s Guide to Getting Your Book Published and Into the Media” , is a step-by-step guide for new and aspiring writers designed to help them obtain literary representation, publish, publicize and create tours for books. As literally thousands of widows seek to write and share their own stories, Carole provides direction and invaluable education as she shares how she went from "unknown and unpublished", to a successful career as an international bestselling author, media contributor and speaker. Scroll down to learn more.
Carole is additionally a nine-time contributor to the iconic "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series; available in stores everywhere. Click on the book covers below for more information.

Irvine, California

Think Possible

Click to watch Carole's presentation at Open to Hope's
International Day of Hope and Healing Conference

Carole and talk show host, Meredith Vieira

How to sell your book to an agent and / or a publisher – without having written even one word.
The different items that you must have prepared and ready to furnish to an agent and publisher (preferably before you are asked to furnish them).
Attracting media attention – and what to do once you receive that attention.
How to prepare for, appear in and follow up on interviews across all areas of the media; including how to become a valued media resource and garner return appearances and subsequent interviews.
Numerous correspondence examples (query letters, follow up letters, etc.) and tracking sheets; to-do lists, checklists, trusted literary agent resources and links to media resources.
Book touring and holding successful in-store book discussions and signings;
...and so much more.
“The Write Difference...” is designed for those who want to write, are currently writing or have completed a book and need step-by-step guidance as to what to do next...and what to do after that! Best of all, this book is written by someone who knows exactly what it’s like to be just starting out in the industry, having had absolutely no contacts in publishing or the media, and no previous publishing experience whatsoever.
If you are (or someone you know is) writing a book; if you aspire to write a book or have completed a work but have no idea in which direction to turn next – your answers are here! RANKED THE #1 NEW RELEASE ON AMAZON WITHIN 48 HOURS OF RELEASE, "The Write Difference..." is available now. For answers to commonly asked FAQ's, click here.
Carole is delighted to announce the release of her fifth full-length book, entitled, “The Write Difference: An Author’s Guide to Getting Your Book Published and Into the Media”. It’s an intensive, step-by-step guide that is packed with actionable education, direction and support; including, but not limited to:
Visit a bookstore near you OR click on any book cover to order at Amazon
"Detective Carlos"
"My Black Friday Lesson"
"Filling a Need"
"Turning Tragedy into Triumph"
"Put Your Mask On First"
"Body Beautiful"
"Breathing Belief into
Those Who Doubt"
"My Black Friday Lesson" (reprise)
"Giving Thanks...
for Christmas"

(Click here for additional information)

As an honoree and recipient of the Embrace Life Award

As the winner of the Books for a Better Life Award (Relationships category)
Michael Alan Fleet, Sr. Teddie Lee Tillett
July 21, 1945 – December 19, 2000 December 28, 1953 – March 23, 2016
Always and Forever Riding High Beloved Sister of the Soul
* All suggestions regarding medical, financial and legal subject matter are based upon the information, belief and personal opinions of Carole Brody Fleet only and should not be construed as directed advice. The ideas, suggestions and procedures reflected at www.widowswearstilettos.com are not intended as a substitute for medical, financial or legal expert assistance. Any application of the recommendations set forth at www.widowswearstilettos.com is at the visitor's discretion and sole risk.
** Carole Brody Fleet, her representatives and / or assigns do not receive any remuneration whatsoever for any resources provided or recommendations made herein.
Copyright 2006 - 2025 by Carole Brody Fleet
All Rights Reserved